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Lipi Unam

Again, I can’t thank you enough for your department ALWAYS being there for us. The team is quite amazing, I must say. I haven’t had a department like yours that I could depend on EVER!”

Bridge Pointe Member

Bridge Pointe worked in-person with me and my client to discuss and review structured settlement options. They are knowledgeable and articulate, and created a comfortable environment for me and my client to ask questions and communicate preferences and goals. I look forward to working with them in the future, and I recommend them for all your structured settlement needs.”

Kristi L. Russell, Esq. Law Offices of Kristi L. Russell

You were extremally efficient and really just took a lot of stress off me trying to go back through all those "old files". Doing that would have been emotionally difficult for me, so I thank you.”

Bridge Pointe Member

It’s greatly appreciated. I still am in awe at how easy you make this for us. From the spouse perspective, it is so appreciated!”

Spouse of Bridge Pointe Member

Bridge Pointe has been a great partner to my firm and my clients. The personal attentiveness and quick work has helped my clients get the benefits they need quickly and with the best possible outcome.”

Robert G. Mack, Esq. Kurlander, Burton, & Mack

Appreciate the customer service you are giving my brother... You know your job very well. Again, thank you for all that you do to help disabled patients, like my brother. ”

Bridge Pointe Member

[Annuity] quotes received. Thank you for providing us with this information so promptly.”

Injured Worker